Learn Piano Easy


            Learn Piano Easy


Piano is a unique and interesting instrument, and it is also fun to play. By the way, you will feel that it is impossible to become a good piano player without expensive piano lessons and years of practice, but it is not necessary. With a little knowledge and lots of practice of notes, keys and chords, you can learn to play the piano yourself. (play the piano)

Try playing by listening (Playing by Ear)

Find a piano or keyboard to use. If you don't have one at home, you can borrow a piano from a friend. The advantage of learning on the piano is that the sound comes out of the string because it sounds real. It also has 88 keys. The keyboard does not have any of these features. When you make a choice, keep this in mind.
Pianos are more expensive than keyboards, but you can find them on rent at some piano stores.
If the piano is antique or vintage, then tune it so that you can train your ears to hear the notes properly. Older pianos typically become out-of-tune if not played regularly. If the piano has not been played for many years, you may need to have it professionally tuned before proceeding.
If you do not find the piano, then the keyboard is a good choice. They are cheap, never go out of the toon and they have a lot of sound and feature to improve your music. Needless to say, it is easy to take them from one place to another and do not take up too much space. The keyboard is perfect for a beginner. You can start from the keyboard and then move to the piano.
Bring a learning keyboard: These special instruments play in a prescribed way so that you can learn your songs easily. Generally, they come with books and videos from which you can learn musical notation.
Sit on the piano or keyboard and try to understand it: look at it and see the middle tones (in the middle of the piano), flat tones (left black keys), sharp tones (right black keys), bass tones (low sounds), and high tones ( High Sounds). Really listen to each one, and see how it is different from the rest. Practice till you understand the difference between them.

Understand the important keys: If you want to learn to identify the sounds you are listening to, then you have to understand all the keys. Some people first understand all the important keys for this and then give them a number. For example, 1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - E; 4 -F; 5 - G; 6 -A; 7 - B; 8 - C | See how both numbers 8 and 1 are used for note C, just one of them is higher and one lower representative of C. Number 1 is the representative of Middle C.
Once you understand how to do this, you can label songs by number instead of letter. For example, Mary Had a Little Lamb would be E - D - C - D - E - E - E and it would be shown as 3 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3.
If you do not have any music information at all, then you will have to understand all these through trial and error.
Learn chord: Songs are often written by making changes to the chords. You will hear them in different keys but the notes of the cordas are all the same. When you are identifying the song by listening, it is very important to identify these notes. So, learn to play these basic chords and see where they are located on the piano. Play these chords to identify their sound so that you can identify them later. Even if you do not know the name of the cordas, you should still know how it sounds in listening. You can also identify whether the chords are bass tone or high tone, and this will allow you to know where they are located. [1]
For example, C, E, G is a simple cord that you should identify first in C Major. You can play it in lower and higher keys. [2]
Note the patterns: All songs have a musical pattern. Cordes often repeat themselves in a regular beat or rhythm. If you can identify the patterns that are listening to you, it becomes very easy to play the song. You will be able to learn which cords should be associated with others. This helps you understand how Meledi and Baseline are made, and you can make your own.

Learn to hum: Learning to hum helps you memorize a song or write it. After that, you can easily repeat it on the piano. In other words, make the tumor lukewarm. Then, sit on the piano and repeat it. Once you got the idea of ​​the chords and their notes, you could hear them and repeat them by ear.

 See the location of the fingers: To really play, you have to know which fingers you want to play the keys. The best way to do this is to understand the location of fingers from a beginner's piano book. In general, the fingers are assigned numbers. For example, the thumb is one and pinky is five. These books will tell you which finger can play which note.

Practice: Listen to the songs. Then try to hum them and see if you are able to play that song on the keyboard or piano by yourself. Alternatively, choose the song of your choice and try to play the technique you have learned. To be a good piano player you will need a lot of practice. You have to practice at least three times a week. [3]

Method 2 of 3:

Learn Basic Things About Piano

Try to learn some basic things about the piano: there are 88 keys in a piano. White piano keys are called naturals because the natural note is heard when we press them. Black piano keys are called Accidental because when pressed, they eject sharp or flat notes. [4]
There are seven naturals on the keyboard: C-D-E-F-G-A-B.
There are five accidents for every octave and they can be either sharp or flat.
Know the names of left hand and right hand staff: bass clef and treble clef.

Use Instructional Books: Because you do not have a teacher, make instructional books your guide. Specialty music stores and general book stores have many books that will teach you step by step how to read music, play basic scale, chord progressions and then easy songs. [5]
Multi-media tools such as DVD, YouTube videos, etc. can also prove to be very effective. If you learn by watching, then these tools will help you well because you can see how to play music properly.

Pay attention to the notes: You have to learn where the notes in the piano are, how they are heard and how the notes are written on the staff. To do this, you can identify the notes on the staff by making flash cards. [4] You can understand the location of the notes by purchasing a sticker and placing them on the piano. You can also buy books in which novices can know how to read notes.
Learn to identify the most common chords. First of all, start with the chords of Majors. Then go to Minor. [4]

Learn Finger placement: Learn how to play notes with the help of instructional books. Learning to play notes with the right fingers is as important as knowing where the notes are located. If you do not practice properly, you will have trouble playing up and down on the scalas. [4]

Practice playing scales: By learning to play scales, you identify notes and their sound. If you are learning to read by sight, then by playing music at that time you get to know where the notes are located and how they will appear on the staff. Try playing the scales of both hands one by one. Then play together.

Learn a few easy songs: With the help of your instructional books, understand all the lessons. They will also teach you to play easy songs and understand the location of fingers. By practicing with easy songs, you will remember where the notes are located, so that the art of reading is also better from your point of view. Start with C Major. After that, go to the minor keys, so that you can understand them better.
When you are practicing a section of music, first try to play different melody and bass lines for each hand. Once both of you are ready to play, then practice playing together.

Practice, Practice, Practice: A lot of practice is required to learn to play the piano. By trying to play with sheet music, you are better at reading by sight, using fingers and playing. Try to practice three to four times a week for half an hour. Do not move on to the second one until you have finished the first lesson. [4]

Method 3 of 3:

Hire piano instructor

Find an Instructor: It will be a little expensive, but playing music is the best way to learn. A good instructor will not only have the experience of teaching music to novices, but he will be able to teach you all the basics correctly. With the help of the instructor, they can avoid those bad habits which are very difficult to give up.
Learn about sight reading, using fingers and playing the piano with an instructor.
Ask the instructor to tell you where those notes are located on the staff and piano.

Decide how often you have to meet the instructor: Because your purpose is only to learn to play the piano by yourself, you will not need to meet the instructor again and again. Go to the instructor once a month to take stock of your progress and if any questions are bothering you, then also ask their answers. For example, you probably have to ask if you are playing the song in the right tempo or not.

Practice: Once again you will have to practice a lot to learn to play the piano. Those who go to the piano teacher practice several times a week. So if you like it, then practice it two or three times a week, if not everyday. Make a rule to practice for half an hour twice a week, but keep in mind that you have to take time to test your notes and the art of understanding. You do not need a keyboard or piano to practice them. [10].


No matter how tempting it may seem to you, try to play it without lowering the Sustain Pedal. This will make you hear more clearly and you will get to know your mistakes better. This will also help you improve.
If you play another instrument in another tuning (such as Bb, Eb, or F), then you will have to learn to transpose it properly, so that you can play the music in the piano and it will be heard properly. | Bb (B flat) is probably the easiest, because the notes do not go very far. He lent a note to the left, leaving only C and F, which reached the Bb (B flat) and Eb (E flat) keys. You can read about this move on the Internet. By learning to move, you can also pay attention to many other options, because now you can play any kind of music on any instrument.
Play Meledi with a right hand, and avoid the temptation to play it with both hands. It will be easy to start, but later when you get used to it, you will regret it because it is such a habit that you have to give up.
Use books and videos.


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