Affiliate bots v2.01

Affiliate bots

Affiliate bots

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Affiliate bots

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Affiliate Bots v2.01 - 6x Evergreen IM & MMO Offers!

Earn 60%. $7k Prizes. Stacked Funnel. Mad conversions. Low refunds. $7,000 Cash Prizes. And we reciprocate hard (keep reading)...

Affiliate Bots 2.0 is the sequel to Affiliate Bots 1 - and is our top-selling offer. We've now had 6 months in the CB top 10, and continue to sell daily! We sold over 2,100 units in the month of April and May looks even bigger! Affiliate Bots includes some INSANE new software tools to this one, focused on "Traffic" and "Websites" (as well as "affiliates") which will make it a MUST-HAVE for anyone with an "IM-focused" list, plus...
June 17th - 6x Landing Pages - IM landing page, biz opp landing page, DJK $97 landing page... and now Affiliate Funnel Bots, Traffic Bots and Video Bots- we now have SIX landing pages (NOTE: if in doubt choose the first "default" hoplink):

1) MOST LISTS & IM/WARM TRAFFIC ==> Default IM hoplink for Affiliate Bots 2.01 *TOP-CONVERTING FUNNEL & PAGE* - this is focused on IM (the usual video + long-copy design page) <-- for this just use your normal hoplink. This is the "default" link to promote for most people. ...Get your IM swipes here.

2) BIZ OPP LISTS & COLD MMO TRAFFIC ==> Biz Opp VSL hoplink - a "VSL-only" page for "make money online" and biz opp traffic (with a completely different video!) <-- for this add "?cbpage=vsl" to your hoplink like this: ...Get your bizopp swipes here.

3) TARGETED IM LISTS "INFO PRODUCT" ==> DAYJOBKILLER $97 hoplink to promote the "DayJobKiller" offer ($97) direct. This is a direct link to Upsell 2 "Day Job Killer" ($97), my $100k+ selling course on how to create & sell info products. Buyers get 50+ training videos and 9 software tools.<-- to promote this add "?cbpage=djk" to your hoplink like this: . ...Get your DJK swipe here

4) LISTS WHO LIKE FUNNELS & RESELL RIGHTS ==> *NEW* Funnel Bots $27 hoplink - launched April 2019 - Over 2,600 units sold! This is a NEW offer which lets customers create their own funnels/websites/squeeze pages, promoting over 30 affiliate programs & resell rights products... with done for you videos/pages/everything! <-- to promote this add "?cbpage=funnel" to your hoplink like this: . ...Get ALL YOUR info for FunnelBots - with swipes & more in the GOOGLE DOC here

5) LISTS WHO LIKE VIDEO MARKETING ==> *NEW* Video Bots $27 hoplink - launched May 2019 - Over 2,500 units sold! This is a NEW offer which lets customers get free video traffic... with 4 software tools including a video creator, YouTube research tool and more... with done for you videos/pages/everything! <-- to promote this add "?cbpage=video" to your hoplink like this: . ...Get ALL YOUR info for VideoBots - with swipes & more in the GOOGLE DOC here

5) LISTS WHO LIKE FREE TRAFFIC ==> *NEW* Traffic Bots $32 hoplink - launched June 2019 - Over 1,500 units sold! This is a NEW offer and funnel which lets customers get buyer traffic from Google, Bing & 16 other sources - with 6 softwares including niche research tool, keyword research tool, website builder & more. <-- to promote this add "?cbpage=traffic" to your hoplink like this: . ...Get ALL YOUR info for TrafficBots - with swipes & more in the GOOGLE DOC here
This means you can choose where to send your traffic. If you aren't sure, I suggest you start by promoting the main "default hoplink" (NOTE: for a summary of the 2 pages, watch the above video, starting from 4 minutes 30 seconds in, and see below for swipes for EACH landing page!)
REMEMBER: Spend a few moments clicking on out the above hoplinks to see the sales pages... and decide which offer is best for you.
REMEMBER: If in doubt, just go with the "main hoplink" which is our top-converter. Six months in the top 10 tells you everything!
The product is OUTRAGEOUS . The product includes 37 software tools in the frontend for $27 (for maximum EPC). Including our NEW traffic search engine and our insane NEW "Buyer Bot" tool... plus 8 affiliate marketing tools (for ClickBank, JVZoo & Warrior)... video-creation tools, website-builders & more! Basically, we are throwing EVERYTHING into this one offer to get as much consistent traffic & sales going forward (NOTE: for a preview of the product, watch the above video, starting from 7 minutes)
Earn 60% and win $5,000 - earn 60% on the front - plus $7,000 total cash prizes (with no minimums). $5k already on the line (see below) and extra surprise $2k giveaway during launch week! Keep what you earn with low refunds.
Affiliate BOTS converts to ALL Traffic - With both IM AND Biz Opp/MMO pitches, this will convert to anyone. Use our swipes for best results.
We reciprocate HARD - so when you promote Affiliate BOTS, be sure to email us so we can reciprocate. We consistently rank #1-3 in contests and sent over $18k in revenue with our affiliate promos (across CB, JVZoo & WarriorPlus), in just 4 weeks of April 2019 alone!
Sign up now - it's the only way to get everything you need (sales letter preview, JV prizes, product preview access, split-test data and more)

6x Different Hoplinks! Promote 6 Completely Different Landing Pages (or just use the "default" IM hoplink for best results)

LINK #1: The default hoplink ( will go to the AffiliateBots 2.01 "MAIN IM" pitch (VSL & long design page).
For many people with IM lists, this will be the best link to promote, as it has sold the most units, has the deepest funnel, and converts best - we spent over six months and $20k building that offer (which is why we're celebrating our sixth month in the CB top 10!)...

However, you can also promote these 4 extra landing pages....

LINK #2: You can promote our "VSL-only" bizopp pitch (same product as Affiliate Bots v2, but different pitch)
by adding "?cbpage=vsl" to your hoplink like this

LINK #3: You can promote DJK $97 ( how to create & sell info products - 50 training videos & 9 softwares) DIRECT
by adding "?cbpage=vsl" to your hoplink like this

LINK #4: You can promote Affiliate Funnel Bots - *NEW For April* - 2600 Sold! $27 ( one software that creates squeeze pages for affiliate + resell rights offers) DIRECT by adding "?cbpage=funnel" to your hoplink like this

LINK #5: You can promote Affiliate Video Bots - *NEW For May* - 2500 Sold! $27 ( 4 softwares for turning any website or affiliate program into videos... to get free YouTube traffic) DIRECT by adding "?cbpage=funnel" to your hoplink like this

LINK #6: You can promote Affiliate Traffic Bots - *NEW For June* - 1600 Sold! $32 ( 6 softwares for getting buyer traffic from PPC and SEO) DIRECT by adding "?cbpage=traffic" to your hoplink like this

Affiliate bots

We Reciprocate! Over $19k In Affiliate Promos, On ClickBank, WarriorPlus, - in April 2019!

Here's a few of our affiliate earnings in April 19 - a very average month (we posted similar $19k numbers in March and Feb). If you make the top 10, expect even stronger reciprocation from us, as we're now adding 1500 to 3000 new buyer leads every month. We are also now EVERGREEN which means I can also send you CONSISTENT BUYERS (as well as being top 5 in your launch leaderboards)...

Affiliate bots

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